the dinky ninjas

Since August last year I’ve been immersed in the amazing world of mixed martial arts – “MMA” – or “cage fighting” as it’s more commonly referred to in the media.

Don’t worry I’ve not lost my senses and planned a return to fighting in my auld age, I’ve been making a short film about a fight team in Glasgow called “The Dinky Ninjas”

The project itself came as a sort of follow-on from the fantastic opportunity Channel 4 gave me last year to make a short film with my work “The Neglected – Street children of Ukraine”. You can check that out here.

Anyway! It’s been an incredible journey so far. The Dinky Ninjas are an amazing group of the most passionate, and dedicated athletes who have welcomed me into their world. It’s been such a great privilege to get to know each and every one of the guys and girls at the gym – The Griphouse – in Possil, where the Dinky Ninjas train.

The film will follow some of the fighters as they prepare and compete in this most incredible event, recognised to be the fastest growing sport in the world. I have followed their highs, and their lows and never once been anything but amazed at their dedication, commitment and camaraderie. The end result, incorporating documentary video, stills, and wet plates to introduce each of the fighters, will hopefully provide an insight into this world from the fighters point of view.

Here’s a wee sneak preview of the wet plates, and characters the film will follow: –


I’d also like to thank everyone at the Griphouse for their understanding as I erected a huge weed grow tent in the changing rooms for my darkroom, and stank the place out with collodion and vinegar developer for a few weeks. Next time I do this I need to find a venue or subjects that are not on the top floor of a four storey tenement 🙂

Some of the Dinky Ninjas, including Jo Calderwood below, and Rab Whiteford will be fighting at the Kelvinhall on the 25 February. On Top 4, check it out

Jo Calderwood

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