the neglected – street children of ukraine

I’ve recently been given an amazing opportunity, by Channel 4,  to direct a short film using my still images on street children in Ukraine. It’s been an immense undertaking to go back through almost 10 years work and construct a suitable narrative which does justice to the children I’ve met and photographed, most of whom are sadly now dead. It’s been an all consuming process which has sidelined me from updating the blog or responding to the any video requests – sorry.

I’m hoping to be back in wet plate wonderland in a few months and have some cool summer trips planned to the Western Isles with my sons who will be shooting video. It’s going to be interesting! 🙂

Anyway, here’s a wee look at the end result of the film: –

[vimeo video_id=”28719049″ width=”672″ height=”378″ title=”Yes” byline=”No” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”ffffff”]

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